Complaining for Nothing

The incident of the attacking snakes, was a situation of מידה כנגד מידה, measure for measure. The evil nature of snakes is such that they bite and place their venom even when there is no gain. Most animals of prey kill for food. The snake kills for the sake of killing. Similarly, the complainers of being sick of the Manna, complained for no real gain. It was complaining for the sake of complaining. The Manna was literally soul food. It could taste like anything they wanted. Complaining that brings no benefit is counterproductive. We are taught to work on ourselves that we be שמח בחלקו, happy with our lot in life. This brings us to אהבת ה׳, as we feel so grateful to the One who provides us with all of our needs. We are always meant to strive to go higher, and there is no contradiction if we try to make our present situation even better. But we must know that complaining for the sake of complaining brings evil upon us in the form of snakes.


Fear of עוג


Moshe’s Hitting the Rock