Fear of עוג
The end of Parshat חוקת tells of how Moshe Rabbeinu fought singlehandedly, the two giants, סיחון מלך האמורי and עוג מלך הבשן. The Gemara asks why Hashem needed to reassure Moshe before he fought עוג, but did not need such reassurance when he fought. The reason why Moshe feared עוג and not סיחון, was because he thought that עוג had special merits. He knew of the incident back in Avraham Avinu’s time when Lot was taken prisoner in the battle of the four kings verses five kings. It was עוג who informed Avraham of the capture that allowed him to save his nephew. We see how no good deed goes unrewarded. Hashem told Moshe not to be afraid and this is how the Golan Heights became part of Eretz Yisrael.