בנות צלפחד

The Midrash says in the Sifrei that the Daughters of צלפחד gathered together to seek advice from one another. They felt that an injustice was done in their not being given a portion of land because they were female. They came to the conclusion that they would get justice if they would bring their case before Hashem. They thought that if matters were left to a human court, they would show favoritism to men. But Hashem’s mercy is on everyone. We say this in אשרי three times a day that רחמיו על כל מעשיו, that His mercy is on all creations. This may be the very reason why they were considered, חכמניות, clever women. They saw that priority was given to men because they had more Mitzvot to observe than women. They realized that only Divine wisdom could solve the problem at hand in a fair way. We also need to remember that we never lose by putting our trust in Hashem.




ובני קרח לא מתו