
We learn about another aspect of Moshe Rabbeinu’s deep concern for the Jewish people, in Parshat Pinchas. When he is told that he will not be entering Eretz Yisrael, Moshe was concerned that the appropriate leader would succeed him. He wanted to be certain that the new leader would set a good example by leading the nation into battle. He needed to be one who understood the different personalities of the people. It seemed that Hashem added to the list of qualifications by looking for the one individual that showed unwavering loyalty to Moshe. The Midrash says that Yehoshua got the job because he served Moshe faithfully. He was the one who set up the benches and mats in preparation for Moshe’s lectures. The other elders were ashamed to lower themselves to do such menial tasks. Later, they realized that there is no substitute for such loyalty, and Yehoshua was the correct choice to lead the nation. There is a direct connection between הכרת הטוב, recognizing the good people do for us and loyalty. Our loyalty to Hashem and עם ישראל, must never be compromised.


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בנות צלפחד