Holy War

The war waged against Midian was not an ordinary war. It was a battle between the forces of holiness and the forces of impurity. For this reason, Moshe Rabbeinu selected 1000 holy men from each of the twelve tribes. In addition, Pinchas went out to battle, to finish what he had started. They also brought the Holy Ark to battle along with the ציץ, the headband of the Kohein Gadol. Moshe used all the spiritual ammunition at his disposal. The Netivot Shalom adds that these soldiers fought with their תפילין on, and they were all very learned. None of them put on their של ראש before their של יד. They were victorious to the point that there were no casualties. And they were able to kill Bilaam, who was in the neighborhood waiting to be paid for the damage he inflicted on the Jews. We must never minimize the power that comes when we maintain our level of holiness. Cleaving to G-d, helps us to win all the battles that life sends our way.


Forty Two Journeys


Being Clean