Forty Two Journeys
Regarding פרשת מסעי, we are given an accounting of forty two different locations that בני ישראל traveled during their forty years in the desert. It is interesting to note that most of the traveling was done during the first and last year of their forty year journey. Likewise, the sins took place during the first and last year of their stay. We are told that they camped in a place called Kadesh for nineteen of those middle thirty eight years, that were relatively quiet. The Netivot Shalom says that every person goes through forty two journeys in his lifetime. Sometimes there are many journeys bunched together. At others, there may be several years of calm and tranquility. We are to be aware that every journey is meant to be a stepping stone for further growth and self improvement. Regardless of our age, we are in this world to constantly work on ourselves. We are to keep a distance from those who stagnate and are complacent. The ultimate journey is the one that if we merit it, will bring us to Mashiach and עולם הבא. We must not falter in our mission as part of עם ישראל.