Mitzvot Only Observed in the Land of Israel
Shavua Tov. The Gemara in מסכת סוטה says that the reason why Moshe Rabbeinu pleaded with Hashem to enter Eretz Yisrael was simply because there was the potential to observe more Mitzvot there. The תורה תמימה points out that this was the reason why the great leaders of Israel, likewise desired to enter Israel. It was because of the opportunity to fulfill more Mitzvot. We also see this idea regarding the Canaanite slave. He takes upon himself the observance of the same Mitzvot as a woman. If his master takes him out of Israel, he must immediately be freed. Even this slave, does not wish to be deprived of the Mitzvot that can only be observed in Israel. There are still many laws today that fall into this category. Many are related to the laws of planting and תרומות ומעשרות, laws of tithing. But the most obvious Mitzva, is the Mitzva to live in Israel. This is what Moshe Rabbeinu prayed for.