
Moshe Rabbeinu tells the Jewish nation, ואתם הדבקים בה׳ אלוקיכם חיים כולכם היום, “And those that cleave to Hashem are alive today.” Here we have a reference to the term, “דבקות”, cleaving to G-d. One explanation of how we achieve דבקות is by marrying off our daughter to a תלמיד חכם, or by being close to a תלמיד חכם. This is as though we are cleaving to the שכינה. the Divine Presence. The Netivot Shalom says that when one believes that even when one has a sharp sword on his neck, and he does not despair from Hashem’s mercy, this is דבקות. The אבן עזרא adds his definition of דבקות by saying, “The root of all of the Mitzvot is to get to the level of loving Hashem with all of one’s soul, and having דבקות בה׳. The goal of the commandments is to get to דבקות. When we get to this level, we are really alive!


Torah Study


Mitzvot Only Observed in the Land of Israel