Torah Study
The first chapter of קריאת שמע has numerous, important Torah commandments. There is the Mitzva of תפילין and מזוזה, as well as the Oneness and love of Hashem. We learn from the words, ושננתם לבניך, “And teach your children,” the Mitzva of studying and teaching Torah. If we don’t study Torah ourselves, how will we be capable of teaching our children. The Rabbis learn that the word בניך, can also refer to תלמידיך, your students. And we also find that תלמידיך, are also referred to as “your sons.” When one studies, he will learn more about the ways of Hashem. The חינוך says that an unlearned person is not much higher than a בהמה, an animal. Torah study is such a cornerstone of Judaism, that we teach a child the first sentence of שמע, and תורה צוה לנו משה, as soon as he can speak. Nobody is exempt from Torah study. Both the rich and poor must study. And this obligation to study Torah is with us until we die. We must be disciplined to study by day and by night. We must have definite time periods for the study of Torah. The Rabbis say that one must not say כשאפנה אשנה, when I have time, I will study. שמא לא תפנה, for perhaps, he will never have time. Our love for Torah study, is the main reason Judaism has been kept alive through our long exile. We must be diligent in our Torah study, and share our knowledge with others. Torah study is indeed a pillar of Judaism.