
One of the most famous verses of the Torah is מה ה׳ אלוקיך שואל מעמך כי אם ליראה את ה׳ אלוקיך, “What does Hashem, your G-d ask of you but to fear Hashem, your G-d.” We learn from here the importance of fearing Hashem. The Netivot Shalom describes different aspects of this Mitzva. Aside from יראת ה׳, there is also יראת החטא, יראת העונש, and יראת הרוממות. The first type of יראת החטא, refers to where an individual is in a state where he tries to be conscientious in avoiding sinning. He tries to pay close attention to his actions so that he does not come to transgress. The יראת העונש is an awareness of the consequences of violating the Torah. There is a very definite punitive system in the Torah, that serves as a deterrent to sin. It appears that the highest level of יראה, is יראת הרוממות, fear of Hashem’s exaltedness.This is where there is a clear recognition of where we stand in relation to G-d. When we are aware of our own vulnerabilities, and the greatness of Hashem, we can truly fulfill the Mitzva of יראת ה׳.


Bircat Hamazon and Zionism


Don’t Take Mitzvot Lightly