Bircat Hamazon and Zionism
The commandment to recite ברכת המזון is mentioned in פרשת עקב. Many do not realize how Zionistic the benching really is. There are three Torah blessings connected with Bircat Hamazon. The first Bracha is praising Hashem for giving us sustenance. But the second blessing is all about Israel. We thank G-d for giving us the Land of Israel. It is referred to as the ארץ חמדה טובה ורחבה, a nice, good, and spacious land. We bless Hashem for the food and the land. The third blessing focuses on the rebuilding of Jerusalem. We ask Hashem to have pity, רחם, on Israel, Zion, and on Jerusalem. We conclude this blessing with a request to rebuild the holy city of Jerusalem. So if we pay attention to what ברכת המזון is saying, we see how strong the emphasis is on Israel and Jerusalem.