ערלת לבבכם
There is a strange Pasuk in פרשת עקב that needs explanation. Moshe Rabbeinu says, ומלתם את ערלת לבבכם, “And you shall circumcise the foreskin of your heart.” The Netivot Shalom says that this refers to one who is אטום, or closed up. It is very difficult to reach such a person. All of the proofs in the world, will not move such a person. The circumcision of the heart opens a person’s eyes and allows him to see. The word for fear of Hashem, is יראה. And if we change around the letters of this word, we get ראיה, which means, “to see.” Moshe Rabbeinu was privileged to see the greatness of Hashem. This is what made him so humble and in awe of G-d. When one is not אטום, and is able to marvel at all of the wondrous acts of G-d, he will acquire true יראת ה׳. When we circumcise our hearts, our eyes will be open to see the difference between good and evil, and the holy and the profane.