Be Happy
Shavua Tov. It is important to reiterate from time to time, the importance of attempting to be in a constant state of joy. The Mitzvot were meant to be observed בשמחה, with joy, and we are to work on ourselves to try to maintain a positive and joyful attitude towards life. We are familiar with the Mishna in Avot that says, איזהו עשיר? השמח בחלקו. The one who is truly wealthy, is one who is happy with his lot in life. The Mitzva of ביכורים was accompanied with the command to rejoice with all of the good bestowed on us by Hashem. The תוכחה, rebuke, hinted to the fact that the curses could come for the sole reason that we did not worship Hashem with שמחה, when we were given everything. The Rabbis, in connection with the laws of ברכות, pointed out that wine was unique in that it naturally had the potential to lift people’s spirits. The Rambam recommended drinking wine daily, to help us from falling to עצבות. So in the words of that great songwriter (who committed suicide), “Don’t worry. Be happy!