More on Bikkurim

There are two more interesting points related to ביכורים. The first is related to the וידוי ביכורים, which referred to the declaration that accompanied the bringing of first fruits. There is a case brought in בבא בתרא where one purchased two trees from his friend. Since only by three trees, he is considered the owner of the land as well as the trees, he is obligated to bring ביכורים from his two trees. However, he may not make the declaration since he cannot say the words referring to, “the land that You have given me,” because he only owns the trees, and not the land under the trees. The second law refers to the command of השתחוואה, or bowing, which is part of the ביכורים ceremony. The Netivot Shalom says that this is the only Mitzva that is accompanied with bowing. This is to teach humility, and since we are to appreciate the gift of Eretz Yisrael, only a truly humble person sees the beauty and holiness of this land.


וידוי מעשרות


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