ולתתך עליון על כל הגוים
Parshat כי תבוא has a description of the special role עם ישראל has in the world. Moshe Rabbeinu tells the people that they were placed, לתתך עליון על כל הגוים, “To be higher than all of the nations.” Years ago a Noachide couple spoke to my Machon Meir students. This couple had abandoned Christianity and decided to observe the Seven Noachide Laws. Their message to the students was powerful. “Our job is to be righteous. Your job is to be holy.” Only Jews can achieve holiness because of the Torah and its 613 Mitzvot. The seven laws observed meticulously affords them the status of חסידי אומות העולם, righteous Gentiles. The Rambam writes that these individuals are rewarded with עולם הבא for their discipline and good deeds. There is even a subtle knowledge of this special role of the Jewish people. History has taught us that we gain much more respect from the non-Jewish world, when we are proud of our Jewishness, than when we try to hide it. This was the charge Moshe gave the עם before his passing. Accept your unique role, and show the world how to live in a dignified and holy manner.