וידוי מעשרות

Parshat כי תבוא also speaks about וידוי מעשרות, the confession regarding the taking of תרומות and מעשרות. Like ביכורים, this was a ceremony done in the Beit Hamikdash. But this was done twice every seven years. The reason for this is that it takes three years to complete the tithing cycle. The מעשר עני, the tithe for the poor was given in the third and sixth year of the Shmitta cycle. ( This ראש השנה is the sixth year of our current cycle, when מעשר עני will be separated.) Therefore, the declaration that we took off all that was required of us, is made on Pesach of the fourth and seventh year. There is a Pasuk that I find very astounding. We are supposed to stand in Hashem’s holy Temple, and say, לא עברתי ממצותיך ולא שכחתי, “I did not transgress any of Your Mitzvot (תרומות ומעשרות) and I did not forget.” The ולא שכחתי refers to the fact that I did not even forget to make the appropriate Bracha, while tithing. It is amazing how meticulous the nation had to be in the observance of the Mitzvot. They knew that every three years they were going to have to make this declaration, and they certainly did not want to lie. Wouldn’t it be special if all Jews today took such care in observing all of the Mitzvot!


ולתתך עליון על כל הגוים


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