Standing Before Hashem
This week, we read נצבים-וילך which always come on the Shabbat before Rosh Hashana. The Netivot Shalom says that the word, “נצבים” means “to stand” and refers to standing in judgement. This is appropriate as we prepare for Rosh Hashana that is also known as יום הדין, the Day of Judgement. The Parsha lists the various classes of people in society. It speaks of ראשיכם שופטיכם, your leaders and judges, and also speaks of שואב מימיך and חוצב עציך, the water drawers and wood choppers. The latter represent the lowest class in society. All are judged according to the level they are on. Those who are less learned, are judged by their actions. While those who are on a high level, are even judged by their הרהורים, thoughts. Since we officially begin Selichot this Saturday night, it is certainly a time to begin putting our Teshuva in high gear. Who would have imagined that last Rosh Hashana we asked, “Who will die by מגיפה, a plague?” with no thought that the Corona Pandemic was on the horizon. Standing before Hashem on the יום הדין is not something we should take lightly.