Saw You At Sinai

Shavua Tov. Parshat נצבים begins with a charge from Moshe Rabbeinu, telling the nation how they are all standing before Hashem, accepting their special covenant. The Gemara in מסכת שבת speaks about the special holiness that existed at Mount Sinai. All of the damage of the venom of the Serpent was removed. Death had been decreed because of the evil Serpent, but it was rectified at הר סיני. For that brief moment, until the sin of the Golden Calf, all who stood at Sinai, witnessed the Divine revelation. The Gemara is telling us that when the Torah says, כולכם, “all of you,” it refers not only to those who were physically at Sinai, but every Jew who would ever be born in the future. And also included in those who stood at Sinai, as well as at that moment before Moshe, were all of those גרי צדק, righteous converts throughout the generations. The expression, “saw you at Sinai,” is not an exaggeration.


Following What Is Right In One’s Own Eyes


Standing Before Hashem