Following What Is Right In One’s Own Eyes
Upon reading פרשת נצבים, it struck me how applicable Moshe’s warning to the people then, to our generation. The words, שלום יהיה לי כי בשרירות ליבי אלך, “All will be well with me when I follow that which is right in my heart.” Moshe says that such an individual who acts in this way, will not be easily forgiven by Hashem. This point is emphasized by Rabbi Elie Munk, in The Call of the Torah. He asks how is it possible that man could have the arrogance to believe that he is more capable of creating moral laws, than G-d Himself. Man is guided by his own biases and evil inclination. G-d is perfection, merciful, and righteous. Perhaps this is the reason why the Torah tells us that Hashem will not forgive such a person so easily.