Don’t Despair
The Torah would like us to know that we should never get to the point of despair and hopelessness. There are times when life can make it seem like we cannot cope. The idea of making changes and taking charge, might also look like an insurmountable task. The Pasuk says, לא רחוקה היא, “it is not far away.” And continues with כי קרובה אליך הדבר, “ but it is very near to you.” Built into the Torah, is the idea that that no matter how difficult the situation is, we can always start over, and make things better. This time of year, we are focused on the new beginning that Teshuva affords us. But we also have a fresh start when we get married or make Aliya. If we find ourselves deeply in debt, the Shmitta year, has all debts forgiven. (Our next Shmitta is 5782.) And we must also remember that ישועת ה׳ כהרף עין, “Hashem’s salvation can come like the blink of an eye.” This is a message for the High Holidays. Despite everything, we must never lose our hope and optimism. The future is bright! Trust in Hashem, and all will be well.