Don’t Take Teshuva Lightly

As Rosh Hashana approaches, we should now be in “Teshuva” mode. We should be well aware of what is at stake for ourselves and the rest of כלל ישראל. Last year at this time, none of us could have imagined the tumultuous year that we were going to experience. Thankfully, 5780 ended with a miraculous peace agreement between two of Israel’s Arab neighbors. It was as if the two brothers, Yitzchak and Yishmael, had made amends, after having been estranged for so long. And being that there are no real coincidences in Hashem’s world, we will read on the first day of Rosh Hashana, of the birth of Yitzchak, and Sara’s desire to keep Yishmael and his negative influences away from her new son. We must not take the subject of Teshuva lightly. We should try to do careful introspection, and work at coming closer to Hashem. And the Rambam adds that the most difficult Teshuva of all is changing our character flaws. Let us hope and pray that the coming year be one of good health and prosperity for all. Shana Tova.


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