Rachel Can Stop Crying

Shana Tova. The Haftarah for the second day of Rosh Hashanah is full of hope and encouragement. It comes from Jeremiah, Chapter 31. The Prophet reminds the nation that Hashem’s love for His people has never waned, throughout our long exile. Hashem will rebuild the House of Israel. He will gather the Jewish people from the ends of the earth, and bring them home to Eretz Yisrael. The land will again flourish and produce abundant crops. The same will be true of abundance in connection with our livestock. The peak of the Haftarah is the comfort given to רחל אמנו. Rachel is told that there is reward for her tears and longing to be reunited with her children. She is told to stop her crying as her children will return to their borders. Rosh Hashanah is meant to focus on the special bond between Hashem and the Jewish people. The Haftarah expressed this bond in a most moving fashion.


Yishmael’s Teshuva


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