באשר הוא שם

The Yalkut Shimoni relates the details of the dialogue between the angels and Hashem, when seventeen year old Yishmael was dying of thirst. The angels begged Hashem not to revive Yishmael because of what his sons would do to the Jewish people in the future. They were referring to a specific incident rather than the general suffering over the years by the Muslims. The incident they referred to was when the Jews went into exile after the destruction of the First Temple. The Jews begged their cousins, the Yishmaelim, for water, as they left their beloved land, and they refused. The angels said, “You are giving water to the one whose children will cause your children to die of thirst!” Hashem’s answer was that a person is judged as he is at this moment (באשר הוא שם). He is not judged for what he might do in the future, but all depends on his present status. One must never feel that he is beyond hope. Teshuva is available to everyone. This is the Chessed that Hashem does with us by giving us the ימים נוראים, Days of Awe, as a time of reflection, forgiveness, and coming close to Him. We must seize this opportunity and clean our slate. May we be blessed with a גמר חתימה טובה.


שירת האזינו


בתוך עמי אנכי יושבת