שירת האזינו

This week we read פרשת האזינו, on this special Shabbat known as שבת שובה. It is more common for האזינו to be read after Yom Kippur, but this is an unusual year on many levels. When Moshe referred to the “שירה”, he was referring to the song of האזינו. Moshe recommended that if ever troubles come upon Israel, recite this שירה of האזינו, to get strength and encouragement. Many important ideas are alluded to in this song. It expresses Hashem’s special love for the Jewish people. It also contains a promise that the גאולה, redemption, will eventually come. The שירה of האזינו expresses the contempt that Hashem has for the nations of the world. They were sent to exact punishment to the Jewish people for their sins. But they gloated in an arrogant manner that it was their own strength that gave them dominion over Israel. Hashem promises that they will fall very hard for such arrogance, and He will cause the Jewish people to rise again. It is clear why שירת האזינו provided so much strength during difficult times.


High Priest on Yom Kippur


באשר הוא שם