High Priest on Yom Kippur
Shavua Tov- As I prepare for the mindset of Yom Kippur, with the sound of insane demonstrators in the background, I try to focus on the scene in the Beit Hamikdash, on this holiest day of the year. I try to visualize standing in the courtyard of the Temple, transfixed, as I get a glimpse of the Kohein Gadol performing his Temple service. As Rav Bigon of Machon Meir, often explains, it is a convergence of the holiest day of the year, in the holiest place on earth, with the service led by the holiest man on earth. There were no chairs in the בית המקדש, and people stood for hours, in a deep meditative state. The highlight of the day was hearing the High Priest do his וידוי, confession, three times, using the sacred, ineffable name of Hashem. Upon hearing this, the masses of people spontaneously bowed, in reverence, upon their faces. Try to keep this image of holiness in your heads as we ask for forgiveness on Yom Kippur. And may we all be written and inscribed for a happy and healthy New Year. I ask for a מחילה if I offended anyone with anything written in my Dvar Torahs this past year.