הידור מצוה

One of the lessons of Succot is the concept of הידור מצוה, beautifying the commandment. This is learned from what was said at the Shira, after the Jewish people crossed the Red Sea. They sang spontaneously, זה א-לי ואנוהו, “This is my G-d, and I will glorify Him.” The Midrash says that even infants who could not speak, suddenly uttered these three words of praise. The manner in which we perform הידור מצוה manifests itself with the two main Mitzvot of Succot. There is a Mitzva to build a Succa, and to purchase the ארבעה מינים, Four Species. Obviously, the Halacha does not expect us to go into debt in finding the perfect Etrog, or most exotic Succa. But we are supposed to try to build a nice Succa with beautiful decorations. Similarly, when choosing the ארבעה מינים, some care and advise should be taken to be certain we have chosen the choicest set we can afford. The הידור מצוה idea, is a clear reflection on our part, that we cherish the Mitzvot of the Torah.


זמן שמחתינו


Enthusiastically Observing Mitzvot