זמן שמחתינו

One of the names for the holiday of סוכות, is זמן שמחתינו, the time of our joy. Succot is meant to be the happiest of all of the holidays. Aside from feeling gratitude for having successfully completed the Yom Kippur Fast and Selichot, traditionally, it was the most prosperous time of year. Most Jews were farmers, and by this time of year, they had managed to sell their crops. The idea of being in a state of שמחה, applies every day of the year. We are supposed to be conscious of the need to be in a state of joy, all of the time. We learn to be happy with our lot in life, and we are to constantly count our blessings. But in the time of the Beit Hamikdash there was an overwhelming feeling of happiness. This was the ultimate joy, as each Jew could feel Hashem’s closeness and love. The Gemara elaborates by telling us that the singing and dancing was so strong on Succot, that people barely slept the whole week! We should focus on this aspect of Succot, and fulfill the name of the חג, Zeman Simchateinu.


חג האסיף


הידור מצוה