חג האסיף
Another name for סוכות is חג האסיף, the Holiday of Ingathering. It was the time when farmers had gathered and sold their crops. Because this was a prosperous time of year, the Rabbis decided that the Book of Kohelet should be read on Succot. The message that needed to be driven home was that one needs to know what is temporary and unimportant, and what is lasting and permanent. The Rabbis have a saying, אין אדם מורד בהקדוש ברוך הוא אלא מתוך שביעה, that man only rebels against Hashem when he is filled up. When a person feels that he has it all, he no longer feels that he needs Hashem. Kohelet tells us that material pursuits are vanity. Materialism only gives a false sense of security. Prosperity is fleeting. As quick as one can amass a fortune, he can also lose it. When all is said and done, we need to know that what is important in this world, is “to fear G-d and keep the commandments, for this is all there is to man.”