זה לעומת זה
A Pasuk in Kohelet that is often quoted is: גם את זה לעמת זה עשה האלוקים, “G-d has made the one as well as the other.” Rashi explains that Hashem has made one to parallel the other. On the one hand, there is good with its reward, and evil with its ensuing punishment. This is another confirmation that not only does evil exist in the world, but it was created by Hashem Himself. There are opposite extremes in the world. When we make the right choices and choose good, we are rewarded. When we choose evil, we are punished. Shlomo Hamelech describes a child as a “wild boar” who is born selfish and believes the world is there to serve him. He must be taught to give to others, and to know the difference between right and wrong. We are to marvel at Hashem’s creations. There are articles as small as ביצי כינים, lice eggs. And there are huge animals opposite these. This is what was meant by זה לעומת זה עשה אלוקים.