וחוט המשולש
The Pasuk in Kohelet that could connect to Simchat Torah is והחוט המשולש לא במהרה ינתק, that a three-ply chord is not easily severed. This a reference to the number three that reflects some permanence and strength. It can refer to the three sections of Tanach, תורה, נביאים, וכתובים. It can also refer to the Avot, Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, who were the pillars and foundation of Judaism. The Gemara in בבא מציעא says that this Pasuk refers to someone who is a scholar, and his son is a scholar, and his grandson is a scholar, that the Torah will never more cease from his seed. This is what we celebrate on Simchat Torah. We listened to the words of Yehoshua who commanded us not to allow the Torah study to be removed from us. והגית בו יומם ולילה, “And you shall study it by day and by night.” We survived our long and bitter exile because there were always pious Jews who did not waver from this Mitzva. And we show our appreciation for the Torah is the greatest gift given to mankind. With it, there is orderliness in the world. Without it, the world self destructs. Our prayer is that the Corona should be a wake up call to the world that all must acknowledge that Hashem is truth, and His Torah is truth.