נשמת כל חי

This year I plan on using קול התורה, the Call of the Torah, by Rabbi Elie Munk as my primary commentator on the Parsha. It was originally written in French, and is a pretty comprehensive coverage of the Parsha. Rabbi Munk quotes the words, נשמת כל חי, the soul of every living being, desires to bless Hashem. This is directly related to the ultimate purpose of creation. Whether an individual is aware of this or not, his soul strongly desires to acknowledge and give praise to the Creator. Perhaps this explains what is so messed up with the world. According to Pew Research Center, more than fifty per cent of the Western world, do not think that belief in G-d is a prerequisite towards learning values and morality. This negates this innate desire of all of creation to recognize G-d. Perhaps this is the primary lesson to be learned from the Corona Pandemic. The world needs to wake up to the reality, that Hashem is the One that runs the world. Man does not.


יש מאין


קשה עלי פרידתכם