יש מאין
Parshat בראשית describes the creation of the world. There is a great deal of סוד, secrets, in understanding exactly how the world was created. Many commentators emphasize the concept of יש מאין, that Hashem created something out of nothing. In other words, there was no existing matter from which to bring about creation. The קול התורה explains this idea in greater depth. If creation had not come about in the form of יש מאין, it would have implied that Hashem had limitations. It would not have demonstrated Hashem’s absolute powers. Such limitations would reflect imperfections in the world. This could cast doubt on Hashem being the ultimate in perfection and goodness. It would also have implications related to man’s free will. For this reason, יש מאין is emphasized, so as not to diminish from Hashem’s ultimate power. He alone runs the world. He is separate and unique in that none of the laws of nature apply to Him. This concept helps to set Hashem apart from that which exists in the universe. Since He created this universe from nothing, everything in the universe is totally subservient to Him.