אור הגנוז

The קול התורה of Rabbi Munk, points out that the creation of light meant much more than giving light. It is a hint to the אור הגנוז, the hidden light, reserved for Tzaddikim in the future to reward them for their righteousness. The Torah says, ויבדל אלוקים, that Hashem divided the light. Light was good, but did not rule over the darkness. HaShem instituted the principle of הבדלה, separation. There was שמים and ארץ, and זכר and נקבה, male and female, and ישראל והעמים, Israel and the nations, and good and evil. Man was meant to make the correct choices. He was to choose good over evil, and light over darkness. In the future, light will win. This is what is meant in our daily prayers: אור חדש על ציון תאיר, that a new light will shine in Zion. This light will never be extinguished.




יש מאין