גאולה Depends on אמת
Rav Elazar Abuchatzeira זצ״ל felt that it was important to study books of Mussar on a daily basis to keep a person in check. We could tend to get carried away with ourselves when we find success in our various endeavors. The Mussar books keep us humble and keep us away from שקר. The power of שקר is so great that it can destroy the world. The Maharsha wrote this because שקר contradicts the essence of the world, which is אמת. This explains the difficult period we are all going through. We are surrounded by שקר. Nobody feels they are being told the truth about Corona on many levels. The media is filled with שקר and it’s difficult to know what is true and what is not. The world is upside down as predicted by the Prophet Isaiah. There will come a time when light is darkness and falsehood will be disguised as truth. The כף החיים, Rabbeinu Chaim Flagee, wrote that the גאולה depends on אמת. This is because אמת changes the מידת הדין, the strict letter of the law, to מידת הרחמים, to the measure of mercy. The Redemption, גאולה, can only come through mercy. We must pray that truth will prevail and we will eliminate all of the שקר in the world.