יצר הרע

There are a few references to the יצר הרע in פרשת בראשית. The first is in connection with the נחש, the serpent. The Rabbis say that the נחש was the symbol of evil. He was the שטן and יצר הרע merged into one. He was pure evil and he used this evil to entice Eve to sin. The second reference to the יצר הרע was Hashem’s reprimand of Cain, after killing his brother, Abel. He is told that if he chose good, he would be able to overcome the יצר. But if not, the Yeitzer would rule him. And the third reference is reflected in Hashem’s disappointment with man. The Torah says, כי יצר לב האדם רע מנעוריו, that man’s Yeitzer is evil from his youth. In other words, man will give in to the יצר הרע unless he has strict laws that will guard him from the allure of the Yeitzer. For this reason, Rabbi Munk in קול התורה writes how absurd it is for man to believe he is capable of making laws to discipline. It should be obvious to all, that the task of maintaining law and order and good behavior, can only come from G-d given laws, not man’s.


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