Noach and Yosef

Parshat נח reflects a new chapter in the history of mankind. We are interested to learn about the one man of his generation who dared to live differently than the rest of the world. Surprisingly, Rabbi Munk makes a comparison between נח and יוסף. The similarity between the two is that they both lived in a depraved society. Egypt was lacking any sense of morality, where the Rambam says that they were so decadent that men married men, and women married women. Noach lived among those who lived wildly without any regard for their fellow human being. Theft was the sin that Hashem could not tolerate, but they were also engaged in idol worship and immorality. It was remarkable that Yosef and Noach dared to be different than the rest. This takes incredible will power and discipline not to be like everyone else. The Rabbis strongly emphasize the importance of living in a place where people are good, kind, and G-d fearing. Virtually everyone is affected by their surroundings. Yosef and Noach were the exception to the rule.


Partial Praise


Man’s Arrogance