Partial Praise

Shavua Tov. The very first Pasuk of Parshat Noach teaches an important lesson. The Torah describes Noach as איש צדיק תמים, a completely righteous man. Yet, when Hashem speaks directly to נח, He tells him, כי אותך ראיתי צדיק, that I see you as righteous. He only tells him part of his praise and not his complete praise (צדיק תמים). We are taught from here that מקצת שבחו של אדם לפניו וכולו שלא בפניו, that we are only to give partial praise to a person in front of him, but all of his praise, not before him. This idea is to teach us to emphasize humility and to stay away from flattery. Seeking honor and flattery diminishes an individual’s closeness to G-d. This is the subtle lesson taught from the first Pasuk of the Parsha.


Shiva and the Flood


Noach and Yosef