ביישנים רחמנים גומלי חסדים

Rav Shmuel Eliyahu, the Chief Rabbi of Tzefat, commented on Hashem’s need to tell Avraham of His intention to destroy Sodom and Amorra. Hashem says to Himself that He knows how Avraham is going to teach his children to act in an upright and honest fashion. This is the source for a Jew being recognized by three character traits: ביישנים, רחמנים, גומלי חסדים, their shyness, their mercifulness, and their acts of kindness. Rav Eliyahu asked in connection with the terrorist attack in Austria. When the world first heard of the attack, was there anyone who would have reacted with, “A Jew probably killed innocent people.” There would be no such response, because that is not how Avraham taught his children how to act. We remain Avraham’s children, and we are a moral and just people.


Lot’s Daughter


Sodom and Givah