Lot’s Daughter

The incident with Lot and his daughters is very perplexing. It is strange that a case of incest is spoken about so openly in the Torah. The Gemara in Nazir actually praises the older daughter for initiating the possibility of continuing the human race. The Gemara says that one should always be quick to do a Mitzva. This is learned from the older daughter of Lot, that because she preempted her younger sister, she was rewarded with four generations to the kingdom. Oved, Yishai, David, and Shlomo, all descended from her, and ultimately, the Mashiach will come from her as well. The origins of the Redemption and Messianic times are equally perplexing. The times we are living in, are much greater than we can comprehend. It appears that שקר and Godlessness are strong. We must remember that Hashem has a plan. Things aren’t always the way they seem to be. Lot’s daughters are a perfect proof of this.


Manna, Clouds, Well


ביישנים רחמנים גומלי חסדים