זקן בא בימים

The Pasuk tells us that אברהם זקן בא בימים, that Avraham was old, and advanced in years. We learn a principle that applies throughout the Torah. The word “זקן” is actually an abbreviation of three words, זה שקנה חכמה, this one who has acquired wisdom. The idea of זקנה, is really a compliment referring to one who has succeeded in accumulating a great deal of Torah knowledge. It does not have that much to do with age, although usually an older person has had more years to gain knowledge. Therefore, when Yosef is referred to as בן זקונים, or Eliezer being called זקן ביתו, we are being told that they studied a great deal of Torah. The word, שיבה, is the more appropriate term to describe old age in terms of years. We are also commanded to show respect for an elderly person. Another comment on this Pasuk of זקן בא בימים, is that Avraham recommended that people show physical signs of aging. This was meant to prepare loved ones that it was man’s destiny to ultimately leave this world. Aging made this a little easier to deal with death. This is another example of how much can be learned from examining a Pasuk more deeply.


Eliezer, Yiftach, Shaul


Pay the Shadchan