Eliezer, Yiftach, Shaul

The Rabbis tell us that there were three individuals who made inappropriate vows. They were Eliezer, Yiftach, and Shaul. It is not recommended that one make conditions with G-d. In Eliezer’s case, things ended well. He succeeded in finding a worthy wife for Yitzchak. The situation with Yiftach did not have a happy ending. He foolishly said that the first to come out of his tent, would be sanctified to Hashem. His beloved daughter came out first, and because of the vow, she was never allowed to marry. In Shaul’s case, he was convinced to take back his vow. He declared that anyone in his army who would not fast, would die. His son, Yonatan was unaware of the decree, and ate honey on that day. Shaul rescinded his ruling, and Yonatan was allowed to live. We learn from this, that we should pray to G-d in critical times, but we should not make conditions with the Master of the Universe.


גזירה שוה


זקן בא בימים