Avraham and Eiruv
Yitzchak is told that he will have great merits because of his father’s steadfast faith. And because he kept all of the Mitzvot.
The Rabbis made a strange statement by saying that Avraham Avinu observed the entire Torah down to its last detail. He even observed the Mitzva of Eiruv. The Torah Temima says that it is understandable that Avraham was on such a high level that he knew what was in the Torah intuitively. But the עירוב תבשילין, being able to cook when Yom Tov preceded Shabbat, was a purely rabbinical decree. Could Avraham have known even that?
He answers that the Eiruv referred to, was עירוב תחומין. This type of Eiruv has its basis in the Torah. One is not allowed to leave the city limits on Shabbat, at a distance of 2000 Amot, unless he makes an Eiruv. This would consist of a small meal that would await the individual at this distance. Once the meal was eaten, he could walk another 2000 Amot.
It was this Eiruv, that Avraham Avinu was aware of.