התוכחה מביא שלום

Yitzchak Avinu had a confrontation with אבימלך regarding the wells that he dug, that Avimelech sealed. The Torah tells us that Yitzchak rebuked him about his jealous behavior. Eventually, they made peace and parted on good terms.

Based on this story, the Rabbis said that this teaches that התוכחה מביא לידי שלום, that rebukes lead to peace.

Often we avoid confrontations with individuals that we believe may have wronged us. But it is recommended that we give rebuke to such people. Aside from the good feeling we have about “getting things off our chest,” such sincere rebuke may have surprisingly positive results. Perhaps there will be sincere remorse on the part of the other party, and indifferences could be mended.

If Yitzchak Avinu was able to make peace with Avimelech by way of rebuke, we, too, can create peaceful results by not being afraid to rebuke.


Rachel’s Chessed


Avraham and Eiruv