Shimon and Levi

The incident of Dina and Shechem, is most disturbing. The Midrash says that Shechem sent musicians and dancers to the tent of Dina, to get her to come outside.

It is also stated that Leah had four sons in three years, as each was born after seven months. This meant that שמעון and לוי may have only been eight months apart in age.

The Midrash further says that they were both thirteen years old when they killed 645 people in the city of שכם.

The חידושי הרי״ם said that their Bar Mitzva Drasha was to teach that just as a Goy is forbidden to keep Shabbat which is called an “אות”, a sign, and is חייב מיתה, a death penalty, so, too, is the prohibition of a Goy who does ברית מילה, which is an אות, is he חייב מיתה.

They took their Bar Mitzva speech very seriously and killed the people of שכם!


בכל מכל כל

