בכל מכל כל
The Gemara in בבא בתרא 17a says that there were three people who were able to have a taste of עולם הבא in this world. They were, Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yakov.
By Avraham, the Torah tells us that he was blessed with בכל, everything. Some say he had a daughter named בכל, while others say that he had a son. And בן, son, and בכל are equal to 52 in גמטריא.
When Eisav returned from hunting, and brought his father food, in order to receive the blessing, Yitzchak responded in shock. He said that he already gave the ברכה and ואכל מכל, “and I ate from it all.” This, too, refers to a taste of עולם הבא.
When Yakov met Eisav, he tried to separate from him in a courteous manner. He told him that they should go their own separate ways, because, יש לי כל, “I have everything.” He also tasted עולם הבא.
This is the basis for the passage in ברכת המזון that says, בכל מכל כל, when we thank Hashem for our food. We give thanks in the manner that the Avot recognized Hashem’s abundant blessings.