We are about to begin the holiday of Chanukah. This is a time when we celebrate the victory of the pure over the impure, and the good over evil.
Although we tell the story of the heroic struggle of the Maccabees/Chashmonaim over the Syrian Greeks, this struggle continues in every generation.
We are living at a time when there is great confusion in even being able to define what is good and what is evil. It is a time similar to that which was described by the Prophet Isaiah 5:20.
“Woe to those who speak of evil as good, and of good as evil; who make darkness into light, and light into darkness; they make bitter into sweet, and sweet into bitter!”
This Pasuk says it all. We need our own Chanukah miracle to bring clarity to the world. The cry of Judah Maccabee of ״Whoever is for Hashem, follow me,” is badly needed today. Truth, holiness, purity, and faith in Hashem, will again reign in this world, and the lights of Chanukah, will again shine brightly.