Hurry Home Without Delay!
Shavua Tov. Rav Elazar Abuchatzeira זצ״ל commented on Yosef’s instructions to his brothers, אל תרגזו בדרך, that they should not be delayed on the way.
The explanation for this is that Yosef was concerned that his brothers would get involved with דברי תורה, and would get side tracked and not hurry home to tell Yakov the great news of him being alive.
The Gemara in מסכת תענית is more specific where Yosef used the word עיון, to describe their Torah study on the way home. עיון is a method of study, where one goes deeply into a subject, inside and out. One can become so engrossed in a subject, that he forgets where he is, and his total focus is on the subject at hand.
Rav Elazar felt that this was also an indication of the high level the brothers were on. Instead of spending the journey home, blaming each other for their role in the Yosef saga, they spent it, learning Torah.