ולא יכלו לענות
The Gemara in מסכת חגיגה, comments on the words, ולא יכלו לענות, that the brothers were so shocked when Yosef revealed himself to them, that they were unable to answer.
Rabbi Elazar, son of רבי שמעון בר יוחאי, would cry every year when he came to this Pasuk in the Torah. His comment was, if the rebuke of one of flesh and blood, could be so strong that its recipient was unable to answer, how will we be able to respond before the King of Kings, when we leave this world!
I often wonder how people can behave so recklessly, without even a thought that there will be an accounting one day for their bad behavior. We need to be reminded to always work towards self improvement and closeness to Hashem. This way, we will score high marks when we are judged on our day of reckoning.