Protected from Ayin Hara
The special bond between Yakov and Yosef, was not only apparent in his receiving first born rights, but it was also seen in the special Bracha that Yosef received.
Yakov refers to Yosef as בן פורת יוסף, “the charmed son, Yosef.” This “charm” gave him special protection against עין הרע, the evil eye, that is potentially, very damaging.
We all see a reference to this protection from עין הרע when Yakov blesses Yosef’s two sons, Efraim and Menashe. Their blessing was that ידגו לרב, that they multiply like fish. And just as fish are protected by the water, so too, should Yosef’s descendants be protected from עין הרע.
While we are taught not to be obsessed and worried about עין הרע, it is real. We are to be careful so as not to arouse the jealousy of others by bragging about our wealth and children.
Yosef’s Bracha of protection was very special. Could it be compared to a lifetime guarantee of never getting a virus or hacking of your computer? I think this is a far better Bracha!