Timing is Everything

I always refer to the Haftarah of פרשת ויחי, as the “Godfather” Haftarah. King David gives instructions to Shlomo how to carry out his unfinished work.

For example, David mentions Yoav as having been disloyal to him, and he killed his son, Avshalom. He is told to make sure he doesn’t die an old man. Shlomo, obviously got the hint.

Similarly, he is told to punish שמעי בן גרא for his abusive behavior towards the king. But when it came to the sons of ברזילאי, Shlomo is told to treat them well, and welcome them to his table.

We learn from this chapter, how important timing is. Young people tend to be impatient and have the tendency to act too quickly. The wise man thinks things through and waits for the appropriate time to act.

King David trusted that his son would complete his unfinished work. And isn’t interesting that this son, Shlomo, wrote in Kohelet, לכל זמן, “everything has its proper time.


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